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Represents the ApiRange class.


RownumberReturns the row number for the selected cell.
ColnumberReturns the column number for the selected cell.
RowsApiRangeReturns the ApiRange object that represents the rows of the specified range.
ColsApiRangeReturns the ApiRange object that represents the columns of the specified range.
CellsApiRangeReturns a Range object that represents all the cells in the specified range or a specified cell.
CountnumberReturns the rows or columns count.
AddressstringReturns the range address.
ValuestringReturns a value from the first cell of the specified range or sets it to this cell.
FormulastringReturns a formula from the first cell of the specified range or sets it to this cell.
Value2stringReturns the value2 (value without format) from the first cell of the specified range or sets it to this cell.
TextstringReturns the text from the first cell of the specified range or sets it to this cell.
FontColorApiColorSets the text color to the current cell range with the previously created color object.
HiddenbooleanReturns or sets the value hiding property.
ColumnWidthnumberReturns or sets the width of all the columns in the specified range measured in points.
WidthnumberReturns a value that represents the range width measured in points.
RowHeightnumberReturns or sets the height of the first row in the specified range measured in points.
HeightnumberReturns a value that represents the range height measured in points.
FontSizenumberSets the font size to the characters of the current cell range.
FontNamestringSets the specified font family as the font name for the current cell range.
BoldbooleanSets the bold property to the text characters from the current cell or cell range.
ItalicbooleanSets the italic property to the text characters in the current cell or cell range.
StrikeoutbooleanSets a value that indicates whether the contents of the current cell or cell range are displayed struck through.
WrapTextbooleanReturns the information about the wrapping cell style or specifies whether the words in the cell must be wrapped to fit the cell size or not.
FillColorApiColor'No Fill'
NumberFormatstringSets a value that represents the format code for the object.
MergeAreaApiRangeReturns the cell or cell range from the merge area.
WorksheetApiWorksheetReturns the ApiWorksheet object that represents the worksheet containing the specified range.
DefNameApiNameReturns the ApiName object.
AreasApiAreasReturns a collection of the areas.
CharactersApiCharactersReturns the ApiCharacters object that represents a range of characters within the object text. Use the ApiCharacters object to format characters within a text string.
